July 7, 2021
Goodness, where do I start with this family??? Nina is absolutely amazing and my co-small group leader of the freshman girls at my church, but 3 years ago I barely knew her! I had just started as my girls’ small group leader when they were in 7th grade and I knew Korbin since he was in 8th grade so he attended the same youth group. Winter Jam was coming up and he suggested that I come with him and his family! I immediately dismissed his invitation because I hardly knew anyone else in his family, but he persisted and Nina even approached us and agreed that I should join them! Well, long story short, I agreed and it was an amazing night and the start of a great friendship!
Nina already knew several of my small group girls so when the opportunity arose for her to join our group as a leader, it was a no brainer! We’ve had many pool parties, late night ice cream runs and deep conversations, and been on many youth group trips together 🙂 What started as an invitation to Winter Jam is now a great friendship and I have Korbin to thank for that! Saige is also good friends with several of my girls so of course she’s one of my favorites, Cruz is just awesome and basically like my little brother 😉 lol and Ross is great because he continues to allow me into his house and his family’s life, not matter how crazy it gets!
Please enjoy some of my favorites and shoot me a message if you want to schedule your own photos!